COSHH stands for the'Control of Substances Hazardous to Health'
The COSHH Assessment specifically identifies and assesses the potential hazardous substances that could cause harm to people within the workplace, as well as anyone else who may be affected. We will work with your team to effectively minimise the potential risks and manage any residual hazardous substances risks through implementing preventative measures and safe systems of work, in compliance with the EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure Limits.
For more information email [email protected]
We work closely with you and your team to identify the potential hazardous substances to create a system of effective controls to help you manage your risks.
From assessment through to control measures implementation and review, our consultants tailor your documentation and processes to your project needs and operations.
One size does not fit all, our consultants can provide bespoke health and safety packages to suit your needs to ensure you get the most out of the services we provide.